Adaptations of the XXI Army to the Resistance Army
Further possibilities for optimizing the concept
If my concept should be put into action, it must be optimized through introducing a few additions to the XXI Army.
My concept needs infantrymen for the short distance, who can move freely and fight in a village or a city. The leadership of the Resistance Army should be trained in a special school for recruits in order to be available in a sufficient number.
These infantrymen are employed for the short distance as group leaders as well as instructors for the resistance fighters in the village.
What should such a school for recruits include?
The training must assure that after finishing the school for recruits, the recruits can use the weapons for the short distance optimally. Furthermore, the deployment of the Richtladung 96 schwer (heavy directional explosive device 96) and the Trichtersprengladung 88 (road blocking device) must be an integral part of the training.
Both weapons are also suitable to be deployed for the short distance. The handlings of both weapons need more skill than the other three weapons, which are already used for the short distance, because of their larger destruction potential.
A further emphasis, besides the training for the weapons, must be set on the combat. The resistance fighters have to learn how to carry out assaults and ambushes as well as which weapons are most suitable to use for attacking a specific opponent.
We also have to answer the following question, namely, where should these soldiers complete their repetition courses.
The answer to this is very simple. The resistance fighters are always stationed in their particular location and therefore they can also complete the necessary repetition courses at their place of residence. Repetition courses can be carried out yearly or from time to time during larger intervals.
Instead of sending the soldiers to specific RC locations, a “Repetition Course Mobil” with all the necessary machines, simulators, and material comes to the location in the specific village. This particular setup must first of all be developed, but it will bring enormous advantages for the RC soldiers:
They can still use their private infrastructure for provisions and overnight stay. They live at home as usual and leave at their normal time to go to work yet instead of working they simply go to the RC. Also, they complete their RC in their place of residence, which is at the same time the location of deployment!
This enables an optimum and cost efficient training.
The RC Mobil consists of several containers, which are delivered with military or civil lorries.
The containers are modules; in respect to size and numbers of RC soldiers, more or fewer modules are needed.
The RC instructors are professionals, who can be reinforced by RC people and who can thereby carry out an uninterrupted military service; this is similar to the full time military servants in the existing army.
The RC does not have to last 2 weeks, 3 to 5 days are sufficient. The RC has a modular structure and this enables the RC soldiers to visit the individually required modules, in order to remain at an acceptable level of training. It is possible, that not all RC soldiers have to pass through all of the training modules. There are wide varieties of possibilities to organize the training and to design as well as carry it out efficiently.
Swiss villages and cities generally have a 300 meter shooting range and eventually also forests and meadows in a hilly terrain. This infrastructure and its terrain have to be used for handling the weapons. Within the village, the effective combat can be simulated.
I wish to emphasize, that the RC Mobil is just an idea!
Improvements for the Resistance Army
If the core of the resistance army is trained in a school for recruits, the core of the troop is ready for combat before the crisis situation arises. This means, it would no longer be necessary to approach the discharged leadership of the army. The graduates of the school for recruits for the resistance army form a group of people, who are readily available and can be employed in a variety of ways.
In the beginning phase of the mobilization, there would be the instructors in the cities and villages. They would act in their familiar surrounding at their place of residence. It is to their advantage, that they are in touch with the population and that they are familiar with the area and know the locations, where deployments can be carried out.
It can be an even greater advantage, if these specialists begin an action together as a group or troop using heavier weapons. This is a further improvement for the short distance, qualitatively as well as quantitatively, without modifying the main idea of the concept.