Additions to the organized chaos in modern warfare
In everyday life, the leadership is structured like a pyramid. In politics it can be a president,
in the economic world a CEO and in the military as it is in our case, a general. Most top
leaderships secure their position by creating parallel leaderships, which can take over in
case the first troops fail. In the military the leadership is being guarded passively by being in hiding underground and protected against bombs. In such a case the security of the communication with the outside is an important factor. What is the purpose of a leadership
in a bunker, protected against nuclear weapons, if the communication to the outside world is interrupted?
Enormous resources are required to secure and maintain a leadership, which is structured
according to the principle of a pyramid. In my particular concept of the resistance army, the
leadership according to the principle of the pyramid only exists in the phase before the
occupation. It is suitable in villages and towns for the formation of resistance fighters and the
organisation of the resistance warfare. Once the enemy starts occupying the country, the leadership is delegated to each individual member of the resistance army. Therefore each member has the role of a leader, acts as a fighter and logistical support. This means in practice,
that instead of one general, we have 1'500'000 generals, who can make their own decisions, act
and execute without the hierarchy of a leadership structure.
Where are the advantages of a leadership, which finds its support on such a broad base? 1'500'000 generals are far more creative than one general alone. In order to eliminate the leadership in my concept, the total resistance army must be eliminated. Furthermore the enemy
is not only confronted with one centrally guided unit, however with an unpredictable population
who is well armed. Any kind of repression is confronted with armed people, who are able to react according to the situation. Although not necessarily everybody is armed, there are however an adequate amount of people in the population who are immediately ready to defend.
The middle and upper range as well as the lower air space operate independent of a hierarchical leadership. The problem for the opponent is again the same, namely that he has three independently operating groups in front of him. The co-operation of the individual authorities within a village is possible depending on the assessment of the resistance fighters. The co-operation between neighbouring villages is also possible according to the situation. However it must be assured, that the resistance warfare can always be lead by the individual! The population must be completely informed about the fact, that one can no longer return to the old structures and wait for the command from above!
Negotiations with the population could also be very difficult. Leadership structures will no doubt form themselves, however they must not be prepared. The political leadership should retreat to the Federal Council Bunker and wait and play cards. It must be assured, that they have hardly or no influence at all over the population. This means for an opponent, that he can start the war but will have no chance to end it. We shall end it!
The distribution of the weapons for the short range is performed via civilian channels. It can be solved long in advance. The weapons and the ammunition must be supplied early enough to the user from the central depots via the civilian logistics centres. According to my estimates, these are 25'000 to 30'000 tonnes. Not everything is delivered, just the major part of it. Assault rifles can be handed out very early. This is the largest part. All the other material must only be delivered at the beginning of an actual crisis situation.
Many logistics companies have fixed routes for their daily drives. Under normal circumstances the vehicles are closed and it is not
visible what is being transported. The weapons can thereby be delivered discretely to companies. The material is delivered in neutral containers on standard pallets.
One or two pallets more per vehicle are not noticeable. The return can be carried out on the same route. Employees and workers take the weapons with them. It is important that no additional merely military transports are executed. All the weapons are delivered in such a way, that they can be employed without any great trouble. Thus, a relatively covered arming is possible without the opponent being clearly aware of what is going on. It is the intention to work always with uncertainties.
The middle and upper range are served via the military channels and the training is taking place there as well. The amount of weapons and ammunition are too little to be of any importance for the logistics of the military. It would also be too visible if army lorries would appear everywhere.
Therefore the Dragon, MG51, MK19 and Baretts M82 can be moved in private vehicles as well as
the Stinger Teams, who are employed by the army leadership according to circumstance. As one can see, another covered armament which is not immediately noticeable.
Mountain region
The mountain region must be kept as small as possible. However it must be large enough in order to accommodate the important supply organisations as well as hide the needed heavy material. All the transport axes must be blocked securely. It is also important to pay attention that not too many own troops have to secure the mountain region. In the mountain region, only the troops who have brought the heavy war material into a safe hiding and the troops, who defend the mountain regions, are present. Furthermore the population in the mountain regions is also active in the resistance army.
Air landings are also possible in the mountain region, but they do not make much sense in this surrounding. This omnipresent danger has to be mastered with the employed troops.
The front line of the mountain region has to be as unfavourable as possible for the opponent. There is no inflexible, continuous front line. There is only one "front" free of troops. Our deterrent line must be moveable. Under no circumstance must there be a fixed position! The defence must be moveable and supported by natural obstacles. The front must be as long and as wide as possible. In no case must it be straight, yet it has to wind around the hills, deep into the valleys and up the mountains.
The defence warfare is lead by the mountain troops. From inside the mountain region, the infantry can lead the pursuit warfare and this in turn binds the troops of the opponent. He has to secure the whole defence area in order to lead the defensive action.
The resistance army leads the war under the assumption that the opponent is carrying out air reconnaissance within 24 hours and that the results are transmitted truthfully. This assumption demands clear conditions from the fighters. All the actions are planned out of normal daily routines. Logical daily routines begin with getting up in the morning, going to work and so on.
In within these patterns of movement, an action has to be planned. It is obvious that the pre-war routines are no longer identical with the routines during the occupation phase. But so called normal routines occur nevertheless from time to time. These ones must be detected and analysed. During the occupation phase the routines change continuously. As an observer from above one can recognise certain illogical routines. This must be avoided. Here are a few examples: There is no sense to run around armed with an assault rifle at the beginning of the occupation. Assault rifles are useless against armoured vehicles. Furthermore, it makes no sense to wait in a backyard with a Panzerfaust until a vehicle is passing.
The employment preparation for weapons must also be carried out in areas which are covered to the top. If one crosses meadows, either wet or dry, the trace is visible. One also has to avoid crowds. It is not obvious however, if the mother pushes a trolley in front of her, therefore it is not visible if there are dfds or food in it. The dfd can also be camouflaged with colour. Also the placing of the dfd should be possible in a normal routine.
Panzerfaust can be fired out of rooms. It is also possible to leave a building shortly before shooting, to fire the shot, to go back in and to leave the house finally through another door. The launching device remains of course hidden in the house. The barrel is thrown away so that the launching location is not revealed. The launching barrel can be additionally decorated with a dfd. With increasing attack, the behaviour can be better adapted. The weapons and ammunition have already been distributed as far as necessary and visible transport is no longer necessary.
Arming: Short range 0 – 250 meters
The assault rifle
The purpose of this weapon is self-defence in buildings and in the village. As mentioned beforehand, a person, who carries an assault rifle can be recognised without realising himself that this is possible. Assault rifles are useless against MBTs, APCs and lightly armoured vehicles. The employment is only sensible, if a vehicle has been blown up and if the soldiers are climbing out and are visible for a short time. This means also, that the rifleman puts himself in great danger. One should reflect, if it is necessary to expose oneself to such a great risk.
The Panzerfaust
This weapon is highly suitable for fighting against armoured and non-armoured vehicles; presupposing that the rifleman meets his target. A further advantage is, that with a relative small charge a large effect can be achieved on a relatively long distance. The disadvantage is that the rifleman must aim the weapon in a direct line to the target. In order to do so, he exposes himself for a short period of time. The location can also be discovered easily.
The directional fragmentation devices 96 light
The dfd is a plate of 2.9 kg and is employed by the army. The dfd 96 light is basically triggered with the attached hose detonator. There is also the possibility to trigger the charge by means of an explosive capsule or an electric explosive capsule.
The weapon is excellent for use against transport vehicles and infantry. The rifleman is not visible and therefore his self-protection is optimal. The use of dfd has practically no limits. A first charge makes the opponent stop and causes the first casualties. With subsequently prepared charges in the surrounding area of the first, the opponent will suffer further heavy casualties. In combination with the Panzerfaust, course of events can be guided and combined advantageously. Good results can also be expected with dfd placed in houses, which are searched by the opponent. Securing a place of action fixes the opponent to a specific location for a certain period of time. This means, that he has to await his rescue in a safe hiding, protected by houses or in the vehicles. This opens up further new possibilities. An APC which is not in motion is easier to target than one which is moving.
In order to secure an action place at the outskirts or inside the village, an opponent needs at least one company. This company operates now in the territory of the enemy. The first task is to secure the action place, the second task is to protect oneself. The enemy is now in great disarray. If he secures a relatively large area, he wastes his strength and can easily lose sight of what is going on. If he secures a small, clear area, he can easily be hit by well placed dfds.
This weapon is, according to my concept, an excellent instrument to fight the opponent effectively.
Arming: Middle range 250 - 800 meters
Dragon Anti Tank Guided Missile
The Dragon has been introduced as a weapon system in the army for quite a long time. This weapon is only used by soldiers, who have been trained for this system by the army. This weapon is employed by teams, who operate independently of others.
A co-ordination is possible but not necessary. With the Dragon, armoured vehicles can be fought out of the villages but also out of natural hideouts. The weapon penetrates all known armours. It is highly suitable for fire attacks.
Machine gun MG 51
This weapon will be taken out of service by the army at the end of 2003. The weapon is very suitable when used in teams for fire attacks on non-armoured vehicles and soft targets. Good results can be achieved with one or two fire thrusts out of a housing development or natural hideouts.
Arming: Upper range 800 - 1500 meters
Machine gun 40 mm MK 19
This weapon has not been introduced in the army. It has an enormous firing speed and a maximum effectiveness up to approx. 1500 meters. It is very suitable for short fire attacks. It can be immediately dismantled and hidden. Afterwards the team can disappear in a very short time.
M82 Cal. .50 ZF
This weapon has not been introduced in the army. With this telescopic sight weapon of the cal 12.7 mm, lightly armoured targets up to a distance of 2200 meters can be easily hit. The realistic employment range is approx. 1500 meters. This weapon can also be used efficiently by a team or a sole fighter for fire attacks.
Arming: Lower air space
L Flab Lwf Syst Stinger
This weapon has been introduced in the army a few years ago. It is only used by army officials who have been trained for this weapon. The teams operate independently, responsible only for themselves, out of the mass of the population. The opponent must not know when and where these guided weapons are employed. The army leadership must decide if they wish to integrate this weapon in the resistance fight.
Each action is integrated in the normal daily routine until the last moment! This means:
The actions must not be marked by abnormal patterns of movement, building regulations and unnatural behaviour. An opponent, who has practise, can recognise dangerous situations with the help of routines after a certain period of time. We in turn can recognise the routines of the opponent through observing his behaviour and can react accordingly. We are planning and executing our actions corresponding to his behaviour.
There is no construction of a position! This means:
A position is not constructed! To construct a position exposes the fighters several times; during reconnaissance, construction and employment of weapons. This is illogical behaviour within daily routines! A type of position can of course be prepared inside a house. It must be observed however, that the preparations are not noticeable!
The opponent carries out reconnaissance on all levels 24 hours a day! This means:
We have to execute everything undercover. The behaviour outside the house, all of the communication be it radio, mobile, fixed telephone network, conversations etc. If he carries out the reconnaissance intensively or not plays no part in our behaviour. We are not aware of the fact, if he has a gap in one of his sensors or not. Therefore only undercover behaviour is logical!
A second action can follow in most cases the first action! This means:
If an opponent has suffered casualties in a first action, he will try to rescue his people. During this, he is very vulnerable. In order to safeguard the rescue, he has to be present on the place of action for a considerable time. This presence can be static or moveable and he can be easily attacked during this time.
The opponent should always be surrounded during the fight! This means:
If an opponent has to secure the place after an action in order to rescue the wounded, he has to set up a safe area. The safe area must be in a certain distance to the place of action. This distance can be up to 200 meters or even more. At 200 meters it covers an area of 1200 meters. It would only be possible to position an APC every 100 meters with one troop.
Furthermore he has to consider in his safety plans, all invisible areas which are also out of shooting range. He does not manage to evacuate the surrounding area and the population with this small amount of enlisted men. Time plays also a very important factor. Wounded have to be attended as quickly as possible. Therefore he must find a compromise. We can presuppose that there are always some of our people around the place of action, outside the safe area as well as inside his safe area. This means for his safety, that there will be attacks from all directions. He will always be surrounded! We have to exploit this situation!
The weapons remain hidden until the last moment! This means:
He is not running around visibly armed! Everything must be executed undercover. The weapons can be hidden and deposited, so that they can be seized and used in a surprise attack.
The shortest employment ranges must be chosen! This means:
The probability of a strike is greater on a short range than on a long range. Our villages and cities are built relatively close together. This results in numerable natural undercover, which can cause large problems for the opponent, because he does not know where we are expecting him. There is the further advantage, that a place of action develops on which both parties operate in a confined space. The opponent cannot use his superior means of firing without endangering his own troops.
The opponent must always be fought at his weakest point! This means:
There is no sense to attack a tank with a Panzerfaust. It is sensible though, to attack a single exposed APC, a lorry or another vehicle. The MBT is too heavily protected and his occupants cannot take over infantry tasks without immobilising the vehicle. While in the meantime an APC transports the infantry safely into battle. A direct hit of occupied APC cannot be surpassed in its efficiency of weapon employment and result! The MBT as a main means of fighting only exists in a limited quantity. It can only be employed effectively in combination with other weapon systems. Therefore it is easier to shoot away its support and more or less isolate the MBT. One single MBT is only a threat as long as it has ammunition and fuel. This means in turn, that its supply must reach the MBT or vice versa, it has to drive to its supply. Supply vehicles are lorries. This is an even weaker target. These vehicles can be fought easily with the suitable means. The further away from the main means of fighting, which is the MBT, the weaker is the degree of safety and the lower our risk factor if we decide to attack the relevant vehicles!
The threat for an opponent must be so high, that finally he has no more troops available for self defence due to safety tasks and therefore cannot start an attack on the Alpine region! This means:
The opponent must always count with attacks. Wherever he drives through, stops, sets up a location for the troops, he is nowhere in safety! He must therefore secure all movements. This safety must be created in accordance with the relevant threat. Our aim with the resistance army must be to create a threat which is so high, that finally he has no more troops available due to self-defence.
If he wants to take possession of the Transalpine, he must still have enough troops available once he has reached the alpine region in order to attack the part of the army which is stationed in the alpine region. We want to avoid this with the help of the resistance army. He can now secure his battle troops, which he wants to employ for the attack, in different ways.
One possibility is that he secures a corridor with a main axis running through its centre.
Another possibility is that he occupies one part of the country completely so that he can advance in this way. This is not of great importance to us, because we have an even spread of our resistance army distributed all over the country.
But it is of great importance, how large the area is which he has occupied and how much of the population is held in this occupied area. The larger the population is which he holds, the greater is his safety problem. He does no longer have enough troops available for his safety. He would need mainly infantry which nowadays is highly mechanised. Ergo, it is very expensive and exists only in limited quantity. Furthermore it is logical to use it in combination with the heavy means. The opponent has to fall back on troops who are not equipped and trained for such tasks and which are therefore an easy target for our resistance army. The weaker an opponent, the more efficient our attacks. We can assume that the opponent will not be successful. We must put him under so much pressure, that he has no more troops available when he reaches the alpine region.